
The Road to Sochi

Well, the 2010 Winter Olympics are over, and they did not disappoint. Although these Olympic games started off with tragic death of an Olympian, they were also filled with their share of triumphs, upsets, heartaches, and uplifting stories; everything that makes the Olympics great. So now, as I prepare to watch the Closing Ceremony, I look forward to the next Olympiad in 2014, when the Winter Olympics make their way to Sochi, Russia, in 2014.

Luckily, I don't have to wait quite that long as we also have the next Summer Olympics: London 2012.


A Letter to Lady Gaga

Dear Lady Gaga,

Please stop. You've taken it too far. I can understand your desire, and perhaps even need, to be a fashion trendsetter, but the keyword in that phrase is fashion; something which are you straying away from. When you first came onto the scene, you were definitely different, but still fashionable. Now, at the very least you are confusing, and at worst plain ridiculous.

Somewhere along the way, you've forgotten that true fashion is born out of necessity. Whether that need be social, political, economical or other, fashion changes because it needs to; not simply because someone decides it's Halloween all year long. In the 40s, fashion changed because we needed to adapt to WWII. In the 50s, fashion changed because women needed to feel feminine again now that the war was over and the men were back home. In the 60s, fashion changed because people felt the need to fight back and express themselves against the social and political unrest of the times.

And that's the way it's been ever since. There is no need for what you're doing. Do red veils at award ceremonies serve any purpose? How about aluminum foil superhero masks? Or what about giant antlers? That answer to those would be no.

Fashions have evolved because the world has evolved. Lady Gaga, you might be a mutation, but not one that will aid in the evolution of society. Hopefully natural selection will prevail and have another pop star, with true fashion sensibilities, aide evolution, while you go extinct.

Jason Rico


Happy Birthday Little Sis!

19 years ago today, my reign as an only child ended when a baby girl was born into the family. From the first moment I saw her, I loved her with all my heart, and although she's a pain in my ass most of the time, my love for her hasn't changed.

I don't care how old you get, you'll always be my baby sis. Happy Birthday, J.


Our Late Night Hunt for Food

Tonight's plan started off easy enough: my friend mentioned he was hungry; I agreed; he mentioned there was a Vietnamese place open late; and with that, we were off on our quest for pho. However, the night had other plans for us.

As we drove to the pho that awaited us, it occurred to us that although this restaurant might be open late, it was already 2 AM, and we doubted it would be open that late. Sure enough, the place closes at midnight, so we were out of luck. Lucky, we remember a Mexican taqueria that a friend introduced us to just the week before that is open 24 hours. Unfortunately, we couldn't remember exactly where it was, so we circled around a few block until we found it.

Soon enough, we were at our destination. We took our spots at the end of the considerable line - perhaps we were not the only ones that had been denied pho? - and focused on the cold night as we slowly made our way to the front. Once we place our orders, we proceeded to wait for what seemed like an hour for our order to arrive; a wait which was only exacerbated by the aforementioned cold night.

However, once our food did arrive, it certainly satisfied. Was it the food itself, or the fact that our long wait only increased our hungry? The world may never know, but who cares. The important thing is that the food hit the spot. We devoured our food and were soon on our way home.

Looking to make even the trip home something special was Mother Nature, who decided to lay down a thick blanket of fog as we were on the freeway. It wasn't too bad at first, but after a few minutes it thickened to the point where we could barely see the car in front of us... which happened to be a police cruiser. We slowed down and made sure we stayed behind him, as to not provoke his wrath, when the cruiser started performing an odd lights show. He didn't flash his red & blues, but instead flashed white light, as if he was trying to signal a car in front of him (when there was none), and flashed a roof-mounted light on the right side, as if he was signaling that was merging in front of us (which he didn't). My friend and I had no idea what he was doing, so we continued like normal, turning onto our exit, along with the officer. Suddenly, we saw a car stopped in the middle of the off-ramp with its hazard lights on. We slowed to a stop, and let the police on our left go investigate.

This is where my internal alarm went off. Why was this car stopped diagonally across the middle of two lanes? Why did the air smell like burnt rubber? We were less than a car length's away from the stopped vehicle, which we could still barely see because of the thick fog, so if anything were to go down, we would be right in the middle of it. Luckily, once the officer got out and checked, he signaled for us to drive around, and effectively ended the last of the night's excitement.

All that simply because we were hungry. Next time, I'm making a sandwich. Unless, of course, a friend says they know a great place that's open late...


You're the Best Around!

Play close attention to the background music at approximately 2:20.


Soccer Propaganda

If you're reading this, and in the area, you better come out and play.
Sunday, February 28, 1 PM
2800 Grasslands Dr.
Sacramento, CA 95833


No School for Me

So much for registering for classes. After all this commotion over the fact that my school will be switching to online registering, the damn site isn't even letting me do that. I've been trying since 12:00 AM, and the only outcome I've managed to achieve is seeing this:

Are you kidding me?! I know for a fact that today is supposed to be my day to register, but I guess no one told the system. Heaven forbid anything at my school actually work. I just want to get this out of the way and make sure I get into the only five classes I'm able to take anyway.


Music Minute #11

Image from http://cpao.deviantart.com/

As I mentioned a few days ago, here is a bonus Music Minute. With so many songs that I'm liking right now, I had to have the next one sooner than normal. So, here it is; give the songs a listen and share your thoughts.

- B.O.B. feat. Bruno Mars - "Nothin' on You"
- Consequence feat. Kanye West & John Legend - "Whatever U Want"
- Hyper Crush - "Boom Box"
- Vampire Weekend - "Cousins"
- Vampire Weekend - "Horchata"


Family Crest

I've joked around about doing this before, but I think now I've finally decided that I'm going to design a family crest. There really is no need for me to design one, but I think having a family crest would be rather awesome.

There are really three reasons that have lead up to me wanting to design one.

#1: As a huge comic book fan, I love superhero symbols; Superman's "S Shield", Batman's "Bat-Symbol", etc. I love the iconography and childhood wonder they represent. There's no reason a family crest couldn't do the same, right?

#2: A friend of mine has his family's crest tattooed on his forearm, and I have to admit that I'm a little jealous over the fact that his family has one. I don't handle jealously well.

#3: Recent Superman mythos have revealed that Superman's "S Shield" is in fact the family crest of the House of El, and that are many other Kryptonian crests.

That last point was what really sold it for me, "You mean I can have a family crest AND have it be like a superhero symbol?!" You don't need to tell me twice.

Thus, I am on my quest to find a family crest; and I'm serious about it. I have a lot of research to do on my family history, but I'm confident it'll end with me designing a great crest.

However, whether or not anyone else in my family adopts it, or if it lives on beyond my death, is a whole other story.


I Am Officially a Number

It looks like my school has officially become so large that instead of going to our academic directors to register for classes, we are now being required to do it on our own online. This itself isn't a big deal, but it does mean that the personal touch of our directors actually getting to know us is lost, and we have all instead simply become a number in the system.

Sorry everybody, the Jason you know and love is dead. From now on, please refer to me simply as 808542.


Pretty Ladies

I don't know quite how it's happened, but I've become good friends with most of the pretty girls at school. You know, the girls the fellas (including myself) talk about on a regular basis. And I don't just mean that we're friendly at school; no, I mean I actually talk to them on a regular basis outside of school, and actually go out with them to parties, bars, clubs, etc. It's almost as if I identify a pretty girl and make sure I check them off my list. This is no attempt to brag, because frankly I don't know how it's happened; it just has.

As I said, these are the girls all the guys talk about - the girls they crush on - and the same goes for me. I'd gladly date any of these girls. Hell, I have tried to date some of them (with no success), and there in lies the problem. I'm friends with all these gorgeous, sexy girls, but I can't seem to go beyond that.

Am I cursed to have the qualities that make them want to be my friend, yet not see me as anything more? Where's the justice in that?


Music Minute #10

Image from http://soukster.deviantart.com/

Time for another Music Minute. There are a lot of songs I'm liking right now, so I might have a bonus Music Minute a little sooner than normal. Anyhoo, give these songs a listen and let me know what you think.

- deadmau5 - "Moar Ghosts 'n' Stuff"
- deadmau5 - "Ghosts 'n' Stuff"
- The Heavy - "How You Like Me Now?"
- Paolo Nutini - "Pencil Full of Lead"
- Train - "Hey Soul Sister"


I Am the Greatest Lover in All the World!

For the next 24 hours, this man is my idol:

OK, so he's not really a man, but he's still my idol. Tomorrow, I have to perform a monologue for my Theater midterm; mine being from the play, Don Juan. Don Juan, for those who are not familiar with the character, is a womanizer whom believes himself to be the greatest lover in all the world. In deciding how to perform my monologue, I decided to base my performance on Puss In Boots, from Shrek 2. Puss In Boots has that perfect blend of theatrics, arrogance, honor, and humor.

So, tomorrow, I will be Don Juan, by way of Puss In Boots. Prepare to be amazed.


Happy Valentine's Day

To all of you who are lucky enough to have someone today...

To the rest that are in the same boat as me, let's try to focus on all the positive aspects of being single; none of which are coming to mind right now. I'm sure they're exist, though.


Winter Olympics

I love the Olympics. No, I mean it; I really love the Olympics. I don't have a DVR, but if I did, it would be full of every Olympics event it could record. My love of the Olympics is really a combination of three distinct reasons: it gives me a chance to watch sporting event I would otherwise probably never watch, my love of ancient Greek mythology, and what the games themselves represent.

I'll admit, I'm not a huge sports fan like many other guys. Sure, I'll watch baseball games whenever I can, but if you read my blog entry a week ago, you know that I only watch one football game a year: the Super Bowl. I'll also occasionally watch soccer, I rarely watch basketball, I never watch hockey, and if it's any other sport, forget it. However, when the Olympics are on - Summer or Winter - I watch everything I can. I don't care if it's Mens or Womens, individual or team events, or even if that event is popular or an event I've never even heard of, if it's on, I watch. The reason for this is easy; I can watch any professional sporting event and know I'll see some amazing athletes, but the Olympics have the best athletes in the world. So, when I see someone take the gold medal stand, it's not just a win; it means that person/team is the pinnacle of that event. In sense, a pinnacle of human perfection. To me, that is truly awe-inspiring.

Of course, let's not forget who started the Olympics: the ancient Greeks. We owe many things to the ancient Greeks, but one of the greatest contributions, in my opinion, are the Olympics, Started as a tribute to the Greek god Zeus, the Olympics were THE sporting event in all of the world, and I love the fact that they still are.

So, what exactly is the purpose of the Olympics? Well, if you ask me, I'll tell you that it's a global event celebrating the physical potential of mankind. It is a time when nations can put their differences aside, and athletes can compete in the purest form of athletic competitions, free from any form of political, corporate or financial agenda. The Olympics are a showcase of what a lifetime of dedication and training can accomplish. The Olympics are something greater than the individual nations or athletes competing; they are human history. Of course, all this is a very idealistic view of the Olympics, and I'm sure you can all make a great argument as to why it is what I say it is, but I choose to view the Olympics as what they were intended to be.

As I watch the Winter Olympics over the next two weeks, I look forward to seeing magic happen. I look forward to seeing defending champions win gold again; seeing underdogs come from nowhere to defeat said champions. I look forward to seeing athletes from small countries, with no real chance of medaling, compete for the pure joy of competing and being a part of the Olympics; to cross that finish line and say, "I finished". That, right there, is why I love the Olympics.

Mixed Emotions

What a night. That's the first thing that comes to mind when trying to describe tonight. Overall, it was a good night. Great. Amazing. Still, I can't help but feel a swarm of varied emotions related to tonight's events. Before I can really explain tonight, it's important that you understand a little back story.

Everyone, at some point or another, experiences meeting someone that instantly catches your attention. Whether it's by what they do or say, or perhaps even by what they don't do or say, you know this is not only someone you'd like to get to know, but that you two would be great together. And every time you talk to them, this feeling just gets stronger and stronger. I met this person during the Summer of 2008. At the time, we didn't really talk to each other. We might exchange a few words during class relating to what we were studying, but that's about it. However, I was drawn to her and knew I wanted to get to know her. When I caught word that she would be moving to attend school out of the state, something in me clicked and I decided to ask her out while I still had the chance. I caught up to her after class one day and asked, only to be told that she had a boyfriend. We went out separate ways after that, the quarter ended a few weeks later, and she moved away.

Jump to a year later, Fall 2009, and the beginning of a new quarter. I'm walking the halls when who should I see? Her. I find out she's moved back, and with her my chance to really get to know her. In fact, turns out we have class together this quarter. Unfortunately, I don't really take advantage of this fact. Sure, I talk to her during class a bit more than I have in past classes we had together, I but I don't know if she remembers that I asked her out. I'm kind of embarrassed by that fact, so I mostly keep to myself.

About half way through the quarter, we are sitting next to each other and I overhear her talking to a fellow classmate about a Christmas party she and her sister are hosting. Then out of the blue, she turns to me and invites me. I'm floored. I wasn't close enough where she felt like she had to invite me because she knew I could hear; this was a genuine invitation. Any uncertainties I had over how she felt about me asking her out last year were out the window. Clearly, it didn't affect her perception of me, because she was inviting me to a party; like normal friends.

And with that, that's exactly what we became: friends. Her, her sister, my best friend and I have gone out multiple times - to parties, night clubs, art shows - and we've all become good friends. However, with each time we talk or hang out, my feelings for her grow stronger. I've been able to keep them in control so that they don't affect me, especially since I know she's still with her boyfriend; something I choose to put out of mind when we hang out. He lives out of state, and I don't need his shadow looming over us when we hang out.

However, that is a luxury I can no longer afford, because earlier this week he moved back to Sacramento, and last night, at a party hosted by the sisters, I met him. It wasn't awkward or uncomfortable at all. We simply shook hands, and that was it. He left early on into the night, so his presence didn't really affect anything, but just because it didn't affect last night doesn't mean it can't affect something in the future. I fully understand that my friend has a boyfriend, and as such nothing can happen between us, so that isn't the issue. My concern is that over the last few months, we have become good friends, and I don't want her boyfriend to somehow affect the friendship dynamic; not just between her & I, but also including the dynamic that includes her sister and my best friend.

Maybe that's selfish of me, but as I'm laying here in bed, after a really fun night with lots of friends from school, I can't help but feel that some of those emotions that I've kept in control this whole time are starting to escape. It was one thing when I knew he existed, but was out of the picture; it's an entirely different situation when he's right in front of me and I have to hear about him every time I talk to her.


Long Live the West Coast!

One of my favorite shows for the past few years has been America's Best Dance Crew, on MTV. I love it for the exact same reasons I love So You Think You Can Dance; being a former dancer, the shows allows me to relive the excitement of dancing and being up on stage. But enough of me reminising...

For the past four seasons, the champions of ABDC have all come from the West Coast - JabbaWockeeZ, Super Cr3w, Quest Crew, and We Are Heroes - and that's a tough legacy to continue. Over the past two weeks, I've seen this season's new crews from the South and East Coast, and they have some good talent. I have to admit, I was a little worried. However, after watching tonight's episode and seeing the new crews from the West Coast, that worry is gone.

These new West Coast crews are amazing, particularly Heavy Impact and Poreotix. I've seen all the crews this season has to offer, and I think the West Coast is taking the championship again.


Hooray for 5 Day Weekends!

- I don't have class on Thursdays.

- Friday is a holiday, so there's no class this week.

- Then we have our good friends, Saturday & Sunday.

- Followed by the fact that I don't have class on Mondays, either.

Add 'em all up, and what do you get? That's right; five days, baby. Five days to do whatever I want, or do nothing at all. OK, maybe not quite nothing since I do have homework to do, and next week are midterms.

Still, it's nice to pretend I get to spend my five days off relaxing.


Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Songs of All Time

In my quest to complete 101 tasks in 1001 days, I decided to make one of those tasks to listen to Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Songs of All Time. As a huge fan of music, I figured this would be a fun task, and I might discover some new favorite songs along the way. With over 1200 songs in my music library, I figured I'd have most of the songs anyway. How difficult would listening to a few more be?

Turns out I only had 76 songs out of the 500. Wow. I may have a lot of music, but clearly not the right music; at least not according to Rolling Stone. My love of all genres, multiple languages, and different decades did me no good when measuring my music collection to that of Rolling Stone's.

As I went through the list, to determine which songs I needed to download, I noticed that Rolling Stone's claim that these are the greatest songs of all time is a lie. The earliest song on the list is Muddy Waters' "Rollin' Stone" from 1948.

What about the swing era?! Songs from early 20th century musicals?! I'll admit, I'm not hugely familiar with songs from that long ago, but I know there are some classic songs that I think would be worthy of being on the list: "Minnie the Moocher" by Cab Calloway and His Orchestra? "Cheek to Cheek" by Fred Astaire? "Sing, Sing Sing (With a Swing)" by Benny Goodman and His Orchestra? What about something by Frank Sinatra? And don't get me started on the fact that there is only one non-English song on the list, "La Bamba" by Ritchi Valens.

The whole thing is a sham. A sham, I say! Still, there are a lot of great songs that do deserve to be on the list, and I look forward to hearing them; some for the first time, others for the unknownth repeat.


Best Super Bowl Picture Ever

I'm not much of a football fan. I don't know why, I just never have been, but every year I make sure I watch the Super Bowl. It's the one day a year I can relate to the rest of America that religiously glue themselves to their TV sets every Sunday. I rarely know which teams are playing, so I don't really have a favorite going into the game; usually I'll just root for the underdog, if I even know which team that is.

Regardless of the teams playing, the one outcome I hope for is a good game. If I'm only going to watch one game a year, it's sure as hell better be entertaining. This year was no disappointment. I have to say I thought it was good game. However, even better than the game is this beautiful image that was captured.

If a picture is worth a 1000 words, I wonder what this picture is saying.


My Latest Internet Addiction

Years ago, I was actually very reluctant to take part in social networking websites. When everybody was signing up to Friendster, I was slow to join in. (and look where that went.) When everybody was signing up to MySpace, again I was slow to sign up, although I eventually came around and joined. When everyone was signing up to Facebook, I refused to join in because I already had MySpace. Why would I want a second site to do what I already did on another? Well, again I caved in and joined.

That's the way it was for years. Something new would come around, friends would try to get me to join, and only after much convincing would I finally join. However, within the last year, that reluctance has disappeared. In fact, I would say it's turned into something of an addiction, and I am only too eager to join the latest craze. As soon as I saw a few of my friends had a blog, I started one of my own. Did I have an overwhelming need to start one? No, but here you are reading it anyway.

So, what is my latest internet addiction? formspring.me

The entire purpose of the site is to have random people anonymously ask you any question they want, and you answer it. That's it. Pretty simple and pointless, right? Well, still I signed up. I heard about it through a friend, and I followed suit.

So far, I've had very little activity on there, but I'm hoping it picks up. So to any of you reading this right now, if there is any question - no matter how personal, dirty, uncomfortable, funny, silly, deep, intellectual, pointless, etc. - you want to ask, by all means go to http://www.formspring.me/akaricochet and ask away!


Music Minute #9

Image from http://ipodrocker.deviantart.com/

Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for another Music Minute. Here, for your auditory stimulation, are some of my favorite songs of the moment. Give them a listen and let me know what you think.

- Hot Chip - "One Life Stand"
- New Boyz feat. Ray J - "Tie Me Down"
- Oh Snap!! - "Lap Top"
- RevoLucian - "Bale Out"
- Taio Cruz feat. Ludacris - "Break Your Heart (Remix)"


Smallville: Absolute Justice, Post-Show Analysis


That's the only way I can describe tonight's episode of Smallville. I was so worried that I would be let down, but I was not; not in any way. It was amazing.

The first reassurance I had that this would be a great episode was the fact that it was written by Geoff Johns, possibly my favorite comic book writer. Johns has the amazing ability to tie in completely different storylines and strands of continuity, and make it appear like it's all been made to come together; like that's been the plan for decades. He understands comic book legacies and uses them to create new stories and new characters that instantly draw you in.

The same applies to tonight's episode. Smallville has always been very clear in that it takes place in a universe separate from the mainstream DC Universe, but tonight's episode was different. I really did feel I was watching a story straight out of DC Comics. The names, the costumes, the character dynamics; I was literally watching a comic book unfold before my very eyes; and it was good. Sure, some of the costumes were a little cheesy, as was some of the acting, but it was a good cheesiness. You can't have a story about superheroes and not be just a bit cheesy.

So many new characters, storylines, plot points, etc. were introduced, and every single one of them was not only straight out of the comic books, but each fit in perfectly within Smallville's continuity. This episode blew the doors of the Smallville universe wide open, and I for one can't wait to see what walks through in the future.

Smallville: Absolute Justice, Pre-Show Warm Up

In less than three hours, the most awesomest TV event in the history of awesome will take place; the two-hour movie event, Smallville: Absolute Justice!

OK, that's more than a bit of an overstatement, but it is still going to be awesome! We don't need to get into how big a fan of Smallville I am, and I won't write about why I'm so excited about tonight, because, frankly, I already have! So, instead, let me just repost that for any of you that didn't read it the first time:

"This is huge. Debuting in 1940, the Justice Society of America, or JSA, was the first team of superheroes in comic book history, and indeed the first time readers realized all their favorite superheroes existed in the same universe. They were the all-star team of DC Comics, if you will. No longer did readers have to buy separate comic book titles to catch the adventures of their favorite superheroes; they were now all together in one comic.

But enough of the history lesson. Although Smallville has introduced many guest characters from the pages of DC Comics before, this is the first time an entire team will be introduced, as well as the first hint at a larger superhero world outside of Smallville. Every prior introduction has been within the mythology of the show, but the introduction of the JSA is going to blow the doors wide open. We will know that there is an entire world of heroes, and that this is no longer a show set within Smallville or Metropolis, but indeed the entire DC Universe. I can't wait!"


I can't wait, indeed! I'll check back in again after the show and write about what I thought. I really hope this episode matches my level of excitement.


Lost Thoughts

What happens to all the lost thoughts we have, but can't later remember? Do they go to some cosmic lost and found, hoping someone will come by to reclaim them? Or do they simply cease to exist?

Right before I fell asleep last night, I had a great thought. At the time, I was way too sleepy to actually get up and make a note of it somewhere, but I knew I wanted to remember it later and in semi-conscience state told myself not to forget it. Sure enough, when I woke up, I couldn't remember what the thought was. I remember having a thought, I remember that the thought was important, and I remember to what the thought pertained, but I don't remember the thought itself. It actually makes me a little sad.

I miss you, thought. Please come back to me.


If I Had a Time Machine...

...there would be exactly four things I would use it to do.

#1: Go back to June of 1938, and buy two copies of Action Comics #1. One to read, one to collect.

#2: Go back to May of 1939, and buy two copies of Detective Comics #1. One to read, one to collect.

#3: Go back and live in the 1950s for a few months, because I want to experience living in a time when people actually cared how they dressed; when wearing suits and ties was not only the norm, it was expected.

#4: Go back to the 1980s every few weekends or so and party it up at the clubs. This goes back to the fact that I love 80s music.

And that's it; those are the things I would do if I had a time machine. At least for now. I wouldn't use it to become rich. I wouldn't go back and change some regret I have. Simply put, I wouldn't use it to change the course my life took into what I wish it was. That would be cheating.

What would you do if you had a time machine?


Making Something Good Out of Something Bad

Celebrities throw tantrums. That's no surprise. So, when Christian Bale threw his a while back while on the set of Terminator Salvation, I wasn't too surprised. Especially since I'm a fan of his and know he can be very intense. Very intense. This is the guy that almost starved himself preparing for his role in The Machinist. I was not at all shocked to hear that his intensity got the better of him. Still, we all blow up at some point; it happens.

That's not to say that his blow up wasn't bad. Let's be honest; he was a dick of epic proportions. On the one hand, it was slightly entertaining listening to him go crazy, but on the other, it was kind of uncomfortable listening to this trainwreck of an actor digging into some poor crew member. If only there was a way to enjoy listening to it without experiencing any of the awkwardness.

Well, now there is! Introducing "Bale Out" by RevoLucian!

This may very well be my new favorite song. And the best part is that Bale himself approves! Who says something good can't come out of something bad?


Let's Make a Music Video!

There comes a point in a man's life when he has to make a decision. Will he continue on the path his life is on now, or will he explore the road less-traveled and make a music video?

Well, I looked deep into my soul and decided to make a music video. Why would I choose such a difficult path, you might ask? Simple: it would be awesome. I'm not talking about making some high budget video worthy of being shown on MTV 7, or whatever the hell version of MTV they actually show music videos on these days. No, I just want to make something fun and maybe catchy. Something like..... this:

Yeah, now that's what I'm talking about! Doesn't that look like fun? Keep an eye out, because I'm about to blow up on YouTube.