
All Hallow's Eve

Happy Halloween...


Stay the Course

As somewhat of a control freak, I constantly feel the need to make sure all parts of my life are going according to plan. Sometimes, I don't really have a plan to begin with, but even then I have a general idea of the direction I'd like things to follow. Recently, however, more than a few aspects of my life haven't turned out quite how I would have hoped.

Naturally, I was upset by these outcomes and fought until the very end to get my way, but things don't always go how you want; that's just life. And that's OK. Am I disappointed how things ended? Of course. Was I some cases hurt and upset? Absolutely, but it hasn't been the end of the world. Life just happens, and it is how you choose to react that defines you. You can sit there and curse until you've turned blue about how life sucks, or you can accept the outcome of situations and move forward with life.

Most of us have a path we want our lives to take and it's our job to follow that path, get pass any hurdles that may come our way, and keep moving forward.


What To Do?

There used to be a point when I could consider my life as busy and complicated, yet manageable. There was a sort of beautiful chaos to it all. That is no longer the case. I feel like so many aspects of my life have spun out of control - whether through fault of my own or not - that I truly have no idea what to do anymore.

Some parts of my life have become so time-consuming that I honestly don't have enough to get everything I need done. Others have become so complicated that I don't know how to make sense of anything anymore. And lastly, one part of my life feels like it's simply become stagnant, which has just been making me depressed. That's probably the part that affects me the most. It shouldn't, but I can't help it and it's tough to feel like I can control the things I need to when I feel down.



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I'm Back... Again

So much has happened recently in my life that I feel now is the perfect time to return to blogging. Screw trying to accomplish silly goals; trying to post everyday was fine when I had the time, but my life the last few months has been incredibly busy. Instead, I'll simply post when I feel I have something to share. Simple as that.

I may not be posting as much as I used to, but I'm back and ready to type. Think of this as Blog Attempt 3.0.